Friday, February 1, 2019

Money Moxie - Why We Need A Plan & An Advisor-Coach-Mentor

      TAGR  Companion Text
We are at the end of January, one month out of the new year has now been crossed off the calendar.  Did you complete or review and update your Life Plan, outlining your purpose, vision and goals?  Did you create a plan for 2019 as your road map for the year?  If you haven't yet done so, finish reading this blog post and then immediately commit to set aside time to do so.

For the past sixteen days I have been doing this study with Paul Martinelli and Roddy Galbraith. Oh my, are they ever great teachers mentors!  The depth and breadth of their knowledge and their ability to inspire is amazing.  I have decided,  like Paul,  I will study the book for the rest of my life. 

As Paul reiterated in his teaching video, the book is "Think & Grow Rich, not think and get rich", so intentional persistent application of the principles contained in the book is required. Napoleon Hill also made sure to stress that the application of the principles will not work if done in a hap hazard way.  Without a strong desire, a written plan and persistent action towards attaining your financial desires, they are  are just wishes.

Something else that hit me recently during the study on Persistence -  Hill said only 2 out of every 100 people have a definite goal and a definite plan for its attainment, thus having the awareness of how to transmute desire into it's monetary equivalent. The other 98% has to be taught/coached! Today,  over 80 years after the book was first published still only 1% of the population controls more than 80% of the world's wealth.  80% of the population in USA and Canada have investable assets of $50,000 or less. That means in spite of the progress made over the last 100 years,  in terms of wealth and financial security,  there is much work that needs to be done!

The final chapter in the book is the Epilogue - How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear.   In this chapter Hill instructed readers to take an inventory of themselves and find out how many of the "Ghosts" of fear are standing in their way before they can put the any portion of the thirteen steps of the philosophy into use successfully, as the mind has to first be prepared to receive it.  And how do we prepare the mind? "It begins with study, analysis, and understanding of the three enemies which you will have to clear out - indecision, doubt and fear." In other words, we need to be aware of what is holding us back and address it before we can move forward.

Four out of the six fears cited by Napoleon Hill involve our financial welbeing that can be helped  by working with advisors, coaches and mentors.  Here are the six fears as listed in the book:

Ill Health
Lost Love
Old age

Interestingly, research shows that advised households accumulate over 2.7 times the assets non-advised households over a 15 year period.* The longer the period, the greater the impact.  So even though Think & Grow Rich was published almost 80 years before the study, the philosophy of the book is more relevant and more needed than ever.

Need help?  Call or send me an email.



Investment Fund Advisor & Life and Health Insurance Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.
Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network
Ontario Central Region (OCR), GTA West Branch
5070 Dixie Road
Mississauga, On L4W 1C9
T. (905) 276-9456, Ext 4414

*Study, The Value of Advice, published in 2012 by the Investment Fund Institute Of Canada (IFIC).

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#coaching #investments #mentoring #persistence #howto #planning

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