Sunday, March 10, 2019

Money Moxie: The Power Of Intention

I'm still pumped after completing the Think & Grow Rich Mastermind book study at the end of January.  I am also majorly stoked about what studying this book did for Paul Martinelli and so many others; and to see how energized he still is about using the book to help others rise to their purpose. More than twenty thousand enthusiastic people from around the world participated in the book study with Paul and Roddy - is that not amazing?

Well, Hill promised that "the secret" is revealed at least once in every chapter and also that every reader would get insights and inspirations and I have gotten them, some I will be sharing with you my fans. This is the fourth time I read the book, and my second Master Mind study; each time around I have gotten more out of it. Now, my biggest revelation to date is the fact that even though the book came out of a study - research which lasted more than twenty years, the whole premise of it is based on spiritual laws!  As I participated in the study in 2018 and now in 2019 I cannot help but conclude that Napoleon Hill was way ahead of his time.  The way he condensed twenty plus years of research into this book of thirteen principles that are so effective and have stood the test of time is a testament to that. Spiritual laws are infallible, they work for anyone and everyone who apply them with INTENTION.

According to  Deepak Chopra, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, intention and desire are intertwined, they drive each other.  He said that attention energizes while intention transforms and intention is the real power behind desire.  This clicked for me. Looking back at the things that worked well for me and those that didn't, I now understand better than I ever have.

So then, how do we tap into this incredible power?  I believe that we need to honestly assess ourselves. We need to search our hearts to find our true desires.  When we do this we will find that some of the things that we thought we wanted are not that important to us after all.  Some things and situations that we spent a lot of time on may not even make our short list.  This exercise will be very valuable because after we eliminate the time wasters, we will now have the time and the focus to act on our true desires.

Here are three other steps that all the leading authority figures whose books I have read or listened to have stated as important to harnessing the power of intention.

1) Make a list of of your desires.  Read the list every morning after waking up and before going to sleep at night, and also during quite times.  Carry the list with you at all times so you have it available.

2) Surrender the list (to God), trusting that he got this! Trust also that he knows what you do not, so time and timing are in his control.  Detach yourself from the outcome while happily doing the actions that will take you in the direction of your dreams.

3) Stay true to yourself, be established in your faith; do not be influenced by the opinion of others. Only share your desires with those who have similar desires and support you.

I can also recommend John C. Maxwell's book, Intentional Living which I read in 2017; it was instructional and informative just like all of John's other books. Whatever you desire I wish you much success.  

If you live in Ontario and you desire financial security for your family, please feel free to contact me, I would love to hear from you.  If not, contact a reputable advisor in your jurisdiction.


Investment Fund Advisor & Life and Health Insurance Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.
Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network
Ontario Central Region (OCR), GTA West Branch
5070 Dixie Road
Mississauga, On L4W 1C9
T. (905) 276-9456, Ext 4414

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