Wednesday, December 14, 2016

"Thank You" Lady For Not Hiring Me

I picked up a copy of the December issue of Vogue because I just had to have it, Mrs. O is on the cover and she's featured extensively in the magazine as her time in the Whitehouse draws to a close.  This morning, I opened it in the middle and started reading a feature story and didn't get far before I came upon this statement where she was told "You are not Princeton material".  Immediately my experience at a job interview came to mind.  So many of us can relate to that story.

Mrs. Obama - A woman of grace & style

Sometimes life just does not go the way we envisioned or planned it.  A good friend of mine Jamaican grandmother used to say "When man on earth making plans, God upstairs wiping them out".  It just doesn't sound the same when not in Jamaican Patois but you catch the drift. This was so true to the situation I found myself in at that juncture in my life that seem so long years ago now.

I had been in the insurance business about five years and mutual funds licensed for about three, now separated from my husband with no prospect of reconciliation this time around and  my sales career was faltering.  That particular year I was shamed by my manager for only making $25,000 and during his pep talk, whether he meant it or not, pointed out all the qualities I had that would make me successful - that amount of money was half of what I made in my first few years in the business.  He shook his head in frustration, he couldn't understand why I wasn't doing better even though he knew I was dealing with a family breakdown.  I left the meeting knowing my dignity was at stake and either I was going to get my productivity back up to my capabilities and achieve the goals set for myself when I joined this side of the business or go back to what I did before, administration and customer service in the insurance industry.  Although I felt shame and embarrassment I didn't hold what my manager said to me against him, he had a good heart, he was young - few years younger than me - he just had not developed his people and  leadership skills to the level required to lift a person up when attempting to motivate them, not use words that beat the person down further in the process.

With much agonizing, I decided to look for a job so I answered a job posting ad for an executive assistant role.  I was qualified for the position, I had the  training and experience required according to the want ad. I got the interview.  I made up my mind, if I got the job, I would take it because I needed to provide for my two children.  Having a full-time job would give me stability and I would be home in the evenings.  On the other hand, I would not have the flexibility I became used to, and I would not be able to be there for the children as much during the daytime.  It's the old ying-yang of life, there are always trade offs.  The hardest part though was giving up on my dreams.

I remember the "Lady" interviewer seated me, looked over my resume, looked me up and down and declared "You are not executive material, but I have another position for you"!  I could feel my face and neck getting hot, I know when I supress the intensity of this feeling I breakout in beet red blotches but I held it together, thanked her and told her I would think about it.  I walked out, my shoulders up, back straight, head held up high.  As I reached the elevator I muttered, "keep your damn job, I know what I am capable of".  I did not call her back.

Quickly I reassessed my options and resolved to make my career as a financial services advisor work. I went home and devised a plan how to organize my work, home and social life for success.  Of course I went on to build a successful career, now on my twenty-eighth year with my present organization.  I've worked with may people from all over the world and I can say it has been quite a ride, one that I would not trade for any "Executive Assistant" position what so ever!  Thank you lady for not hiring me.

Michelle Obama is a fascinating woman, she is truly a woman all girls can aspire to be like.  Thank you for sharing yourself with the world, you are living a life of significance and your legacy is enormous.


Investment Fund Advisor & Life and Health Insurance Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.
Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network
Ontario Central Region (OCR), GTA West Branch
5070 Dixie Road
Mississauga, On L4W 1C9


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