Thursday, May 31, 2018

Willful Ignorance Carries A High Price Tag

What is willful ignorance?  I come across this subtle chronic and sometimes  debilitating condition almost daily.  It manifests as avoidance, frustration, blame shifting and just plain refusal to take ownership and responsibility for delays, setbacks and other challenges that come as a result of not taking action or not taking charge of situations in a timely manner.  This behaviour is very costly, both in terms of actual dollars and lost opportunities.  I know, because I have been both the observer and the guilty party to this. 

Willful ignorance is also very selfish.  How you might ask?  The most common example of this I come across is people not taking the time to read a message or letter they received and call, sometimes complaining, only to find out this answer was right there, plain and simple - oops!
Costly? You bet!  I came across a situation recently where someone was requested proof of their charitable donations from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), rather than taking the time to read the letter, the person just filed it away and when reassessed just paid the amount requested, $2300+ without so much as calling the CRA to find out why they were being asked to pay this money!  This person is neither wealthy nor uneducated - so I chalked it up to willful ignorance.  As I accidentally came across this and so  I was able to tell the individual what to do to get the money back.   But what if this  did not happen?  The government would get to keep an extra $2300+ and sadly,  the person could really use those funds.  I couldn't help but thinking how much extra money the government rakes in from people who do not bother to read their mail!

Since I am also a personal income tax return preparer, I come across tax receipts for things like medical expenses, professional dues and charitable donations that were issued and not claimed, but these receipts were kept and showed up at the most unlikely times, such as when looking for documents and statements for financial review.

Another area are I find willful ignorance showing up  all the time is with  completing forms, and therefore I try to be proactive and fill as much information on forms requested for my clients, be it for claims, redemptions/withdrawals from accounts because it saves myself and my team a huge amount of time on back and forth with emails and telephone calls.  There are examples to be had in every area of life, you get the idea.

What is the cause of this and how can we overcome or reduce the incidence?  It starts with awareness!  Observing ones reaction to request for information is intriguing.  What are the thoughts? Fear, frustration?  Do you hold the belief that everything is difficult?  People, institutions or the government are crooks?  The beliefs you hold will determine how you feel and the subsequent reaction.  Your reaction determines your move and how you interact with other parties, are you going to make it easy for people to help you or will they want to run and hide when they see your number show up when their phone rings?  I understand that we live in a society where everybody is busy and stressed and rush so one more thing to deal with sometimes just pushes us over the edge. After going down that rabbit hole enough times I decided to change how I look at the situations that cross my path and take a collaborative or congenial attitude and found it made all the difference.  I get help without asking.  I get cooperation and favour in the most unlikely of places.  It brings joy to people to help you because it makes them feel good!

Here's a poem I learned in primary school which will give you some insight into what direction to take.  I always remember this, because we do not need to know everything, sometimes we just need to know that we need help and where to find it.

He Who Knows

He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him
He who know not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him
He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him
He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him
                                                   - A Persian Proverb

Tremendous Thursday!



Investment Fund Advisor & Life and Health Insurance Advisor
Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.
Desjardins Financial Security Independent Network
Ontario Central Region (OCR), GTA West Branch
5070 Dixie Road
Mississauga, On L4W 1C9

#MoneyTalk #MoneyTalkwithBevAllen #TheValueOfSoundAdvice #overcoming #willfulignorance